Saturday 2 July 2011

Just to level things up abit, the first member to sell an item will win a little prize
The winner will be announced on the blog so keep checking.

Site Launched

Hello fellow readers,

Before we start we would like to thank all beta testers in helping us get the site fixed and ready to use. It took us a long week to get the site open and running, and the final days from everyone were much good.

Now the site is open, we would like to welcome everyone in to use it.

Please Note. This is just a beginner site, see how it goes. If it's stable and secure we will upload a new version which will be a lot better.

Beta Closed

The beta is now closed, we would like to thank all the people that have emailed us with bugs. Suggestions will be put forward, and the approx time of the site to open is July 04 2011.

Please return back to the blog and wait for the offical opening.
Remember guys the beta will close approx 9pm GMT. Get your ideas and bugs in!
Come on guys anyone got any suggestions for us? while the beta is open!
We need all the help we can get! Please report all bugs you find to

beta now open!

We apologise for the real early release, but we need most bugs fixing asap and we can only find so much.

the website link is :
we apologise for the free hosting but again, we are just seeing how it takes off. The real release of the site should be open around 12:01am
the beta will close approx 9pmGMT. Please report all bugs to or post on our forum post at All beta testers will be awarded with a prize. Many thanks

Deepmind User.